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Fish Event 2018 in Germany

agri benchmark meets CERES

From February 27th – March 1st, 2018, the special session “agri benchmark meets CERES” took place at the Thünen-Institutes of Fisheries Ecology and Sea Fisheries in Hamburg. Experts from EU Horizon 2020 Project Climate Change and European Aquatic Resources (CERES) discussed typical farm and vessel datasets together with the agri benchmark Fish network members and the coordination team. The special focus was on salmonids (trout and salmon), seabass and seabream production systems as well as on cod and mixed fisheries vessels.

Later on in the CERES project progression, the agri benchmark datasets will be analysed according to three scenarios reflecting the impacts of climate change towards a variety of aquatic production systems on farm and vessel level in the light of environmental changes as well as different pre-defined future scenarios on society, economy and policy.

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